Thursday, May 19, 2016

Graphic Design Reflection

I learned many useful skills starting with making a pattern. We learned how to make it from start to finish. We created a pattern and then found where it repeated. From there we isolated it and made it into a pattern so we could apply it on other shapes. We learned many other skills from how to add a shadow, to creating layer masks, to making a picture in photoshop look painted. One of our bigger projects was our logo design where we sketched out lots of logo ideas in our sketchbook and then took the best from each one and incorporated it into one on illustrator. From there we continued to tweak and critique until we came up with our final logo. The main skill we focused on and learned was the process behind designing and how to sketch before bringing that into illustrator. This ultimately creates a higher quality final result.

These skills we learned are important because they are applicable to more than just graphic design. Lots of ecomm focused on the process or how to work well as a team and that will always be a useful skill. Then on top of that the skills I learned from photoshop, illustrator and indesign will continue to be useful as I pursue animation.

Some of my greatest strengths are that I can work well with photoshop and illustrator when I know what I’m going for. With that you could probably guess that my main weakness is actually coming up with the idea to work from.

I feel like I have improved more everyday. I started this course barely even knowing how to use the adobe suite if at all. From there I have managed to become quite proficient and if you give me a task I could complete it quite efficiently.

From what I have learned, I will continue to apply it to any work environment and more specifically apply my adobe knowledge to any future projects in ecomm and after. The adobe suite is very useful to know and could potentially land me a job in the future.

If there were anything I would change it would be my attitude towards it. I feel like I could have put a lot more effort into it but i didn’t realize until the end how beneficial this class will actually be in the long run.

I would recommend this program to anyone, it is very helpful and I learned a lot from it. I plan on continuing to use this knowledge in the future.

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