Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Animation Final Reflection

Throughout animation, I learned many things. I came into this year knowing how to make an animation in keynote and how to model in Google Sketch up. I am now able to proficiently use Photoshop, illustrator, after effects, and Maya.

2D Projects

In 2D I now know how to create layers in Photoshop or illustrator and then layer them in after effects to make a simple animation. An example of this is the multi-plane animation we made. Other projects we did were the ball bounce, where we created a ball and an environment in Photoshop and then in after effects we gave it the illusion of bouncing. This was done through the use of easy ease on our key frames and the squash and stretch principle on the ball. The next project we worked on was the inchworm, where we utilized the puppet pin tool to manipulate the worm and create a life-like inchworm affect. We also created a walk cycle. This started with brainstorming a character, which we then drew on paper and scanned into the computer for animating. We animated this by creating key frames for the legs to follow and then parented them with the body so they would follow it. The last 2d project we did was our story project. This project had lots of freedom. We just had to include the techniques we had been working on to create a 2D story. During the second semester, we learned about special effects and made 2 different explosions. We also learned how to properly light and key out a green screen.

3D projects

We ended first semester knowing how to model objects in 3D. During the weeks leading up to it, we followed a tutorial series to introduce ourselves to Maya. After that we created what is known as a poly shape, which was essentially an irregular object where our mission was to light it using 3 point lighting. We also learned to model in Maya through the construction of a castle and a hammer. The instructions for our final were to find a pen and model it to the best of our ability using all we had learned thus far. We learned how to create a path with the pen tool and then revolve it into a 3D shape; this was done through the saltshaker project. Next we were taught about the symmetry settings when we made 5 different snowflakes and then animated them to fall at different rates and repeat there fall cycle to give the illusion of an endless fall of snowflakes. Other projects we did include the motion path rocket, 3d bounce, ice cream animation, 3d logo, container project and a toy.

Our final project required us to use all the skills we have learned up to now and even learn some new skills. We created characters and a storyline and then had to include a green-screened component, a 3d animated component, and a special effect component. This was by far my favorite project because it allowed us the most freedom, and we were the most proficient at this point.
Purpose of Skills

All these different skills we learned are important because they are the same skills and some are even on the same technology that professionals are using right now in the industry. Not only that but the skills we learn build off each other. Even from the first thing we learned about, key frames, this is an essential and everything we learn adds on to this.

Strengths and weaknesses

My greatest strengths are that I can learn quickly and I can understand what I am learning, this has helped me when I don’t completely grasp a concept I am able to learn how to get there and why it is like that. This is a useful strategy to be able to learn new things.
My weaknesses are that sometimes I expect something to be a lot easier than it is or I follow the lesson but don’t write any of it down. This causes me to oftentimes miss instructions.

Application of skills

I have mentioned quite a bit how I have improved, but essentially, I have been taught many more skills. That’s really all there is to it.

With What I have learned so far, I am going to continue to build on it until I can’t learn anymore. I will use this knowledge and apply it to as many things as possible. These programs I am learning also share similarities with other programs so I will most likely be able to learn new programs a lot faster. Whatever I end up doing, the skills I have learned will be to my benefit.

I can’t think of really anything I would change. If anything it would probably be using my sketchbook more and with that, taking more notes.

Overall, I would recommend this class to everyone. It is an amazing outlet and a great way to express yourself. 10/10

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