Wednesday, December 17, 2014


During this quarter I learned a lot. The first of which is the six shot sequence. I learned how to set up the shots correctly including what is supposed to be shown and not cutting off anything. The first shot is the extra close up which shows hands completing a task. The next shot is the close up which is the face with an expression. The next is the over the shoulder were the camera is placed directly behind the shoulder and views something in front of the actor. Next comes the medium shot which the frame gives a little space above the actors head and cuts off under the hips. The next is the wide shot which shows the entire actor but doesn't cram them in the shot. Finally is the extra wide shot which shows the entire actor and sets the scene. The other major thing I learned was how to cooperate with actors to make a film and how to explain what I was thinking.
My favorite project we did was the chase scene because I could bring together everything I learned to create a video. I also enjoyed it because I could work with two actors as opposed to one. The final reason I enjoyed it was because I could be creative with it to create an entertaining chase.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

I learned that it is much more convenient to have an excess of clips of different angles or takes so you can pick and choose the one that best fits that specific shot. I also learned that you need to be able to work with other people and take everyone's ideas to produce the best videos.

In my next video I will definitely take my time setting up shots and get a lot of extra shots and time at the end of them. I will also be more flexible with the story board and use what works

As far as collaboration goes this was an entire new project. Previously there was a director and actor and they would both put in ideas and the director would go with the best idea. Now there are 4 people thinking together and every one has to get along and every ones ideas need to work. On top of that your actors both have to know what they're doing and get it right in the same shot.

In the next project I could improve collaboration by taking more ideas and conveying mine better.

Friday, November 14, 2014

I learned that you want to film a lot more than you end up including and overlap the action between shots so you have a lot more room for error. I also learned that you want to line up shots and audio very carefully with the arrow keys so it runs smoothly and it doesn't look like there is a delay between the audio and video. I learned to write down my log in to websites that we use.

I will use everything I learned from this project in future projects. I will also use my more expanded knowledge on the cameras that we used along with my familiarization to final cut pro.

Collaboration is two or more people working together effectively and this was very necessary to get more correct shots in less time. communication is key in collaboration and that is also necessary to get the right shot.


Thursday, November 6, 2014

6 shot sequence

The six shots in the six shot sequence: The first one is the Extra close up or XCU, This shot includes a close up of the face. The face shown should be showing an expression or change in expression due to a reaction. The second is the over the shoulder or OTS this is another "uncomfortable" shot were the camera should be directly over the shoulder so the viewer can see what the subject is doing. Number three is the close up or CU usually a close up of the hands, It focuses on what the person is doing. the fourth shot is the medium shot or MS this is from the waist or hips up this begins to set the scene but still doesn't give too much away. The fifth shot is the Wide shot or WS this shot shows the entire person but doesn't give away the whole scene. The final shot is the XWS this shot shows the entire scene and the whole person and answers most unknown things about the scene.

I learned how to work with the cameras to get the desired look. I learned how big a deal it is to plan and draw out exactly what you will be shooting. I learned that the audience looses attention after 4 seconds and with that I learned how to portray what I want to.

I will apply every thing that i just wrote to my next project and probably even more.

Monday, October 27, 2014

In final cut pro I used the different cursors like the selector (A), trim (T) and blade (b). I used a lot of copy and pasting which is command "c" to copy and command "v" to paste. I used "I" to select the beginning of the videos and "o" to crop the end of them. Then i dragged them down with the hand tool (H). while editing my video I used "J" to rewind it "K" to pause it and "L" to fast forward it. I used the arrow keys to skip through the frames.

I chose this hobby because I play guitar and build guitars and I love it, and because i just love music in general . I chose the song because I am a big Van Halen fan and this is one of my favorite songs. This is important to me because my dream job is to one day become a guitar builder.

Friday, August 29, 2014

my personality type

 I am an INTJ (aka the strategist)

          What that means is i am a leader but not until its necessary. I am quiet and I enjoy to spend time by myself. I am called the strategist because I see the whole situation and find the best way through it. I share this trait with 6 presidents, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Gandalf.
           I actually feel this personality is right on in every way and not really not so much. It definitely describes a lot for example I'm more of an indoor person and i like to think by myself.

           This is why I am quiet in class but when we get divided into groups i tend to take over control. People like my brother who is a complete opposite of me sometimes misunderstands why i like to spend time by myself.