Friday, January 30, 2015

Custom logo

The scope of the project.

I began process of studying the content in this logo when we started studying color psychology. This logo is a monochromatic logo for two reasons. The first reason is because I wanted the logo to appear to be three dimensional and I accomplished that by making it look like light was reflecting off one side and a shadow was on the other. The other reason is because I wanted a simple object that didn't look messy with too many colors. The reason I chose blue was because out of all qualities a company could have I feel trust is the key and blue represents trust.

The Next part of this logo are the shapes involved. The first is the circle, with it it allows a picture to feel like a logo by making it all one clean shape. The main shape I think in this would be the square, even though it isn't a real square the triangles make it appear as if it is a square. I like the square because it is a strong shape and its very equal. I also really like the triangle so I really wanted to use it. I decided on making it more in the background but still present. I didn't want to make it the focal point because even though its the strongest in nature, it still gives a kind of off putting feel. Over all as a three dimensional shape I liked the one that was in a video were it wasn't 90 or 45 degrees and it was just a little tilted so I tried to give a similar effect to mine.

Finally the "M" on the top is probably the most straight forward part of my logo. I used two 8th Notes and bended the arm between to create an M. The reason I did this is because I wanted it to reflect music because hopefully I will own a music related company.

What I learned during this project

What I was taught in this project was how to create or change every aspect of a design or logo to convey the feeling or message. For example if you were making a logo for a bank you would want a blue square because blue symbolizes trust and a square shows strength or support. Something that I learned on my own in this project was how to use the scale tool to orient the M so it appears as if it were actually on the plane of the object.

What I would do differently next time

The one thing I would think that I may do differently if I did this again would be, I would make it a little more exact or maybe center it differently. The Next time I could also try a different color scheme or just a different color.

What I would do the same

I would mostly Try and do everything else the same. I would definitely keep the M that I made and I would use the same shapes in it as well. Over all I really liked the outcome of my logo.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

pathfinder testing

I have learned that with the pathfinder tool it is much easier to make organic shapes by combining ordinary shapes together or removing a shape from another like a cookie cutter. And with that I learned that there are a lot more possibilities with illustrator then I had initially thought. A good application for this would be if you wanted to make a logo or design using the negative space of the piece you were working on you could just use the pathfinder and cut a design out of a solid shape.

To the left is what I tested, I tried using the same shapes for each function to compare them and see what I could come up with. To the right I tried using the pathfinder to make a guitar. I started with a rounded rectangle and added an ellipse to the bottom then just cut out the shape using other pieces. At one point it was unproportional so I cut it in half then sized it down and used the pathfinder to put it right back together. This will probably be my most used tool on illustrator.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

my personality font

The font that is best suited for me was Bifur. The traits associated with Bifur are: rational assertive progressive and relaxed. The first trait is rational, I find that this is the trait that most fits my personality because I feel I make my decisions based on logic and reason. The second is assertive, I do not feel passive and definitely not aggressive I fall between where assertive is. The third is progressive, I do feel like I favor change and improvement over sticking to what has always been done. The final is relaxed, this one could go either way based on perspective. I feel I am relaxed when it comes to things like stage fright or a big test, but I'm not as relaxed when it comes to things like my little brother or other frustrating situations. All in all I do think this font and I share the same personality.

Monday, January 19, 2015


Psychology behind colors
I am going to begin with red, red shows youthfulness. For example the shower gel brand I chose was red and had a big red angry bird on the front of it and it was intended for youth/kids. When you see a Target or Coca-Cola logo they give of a bold feel as well. Next is orange which has a happy playful cheery mood to it, Like Fanta or nickelodeon. Following that of course would be yellow. Now yellow being a warm color still has that happy feel like the warner bros. logo. following that is green, green is the color of plants and gives a clean, natural and sometimes even minty feeling like Irish spring or Orbit gum. Next would be blue which is a smart choice for bank logos or really any logo because the feeling behind it is trustworthiness for example picture lowes, which has a strong trustworthy feeling.
finally comes purple which has a creative feeling like yahoo which could have been intended to make it seem like that search engine has all creativity and knowledge.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Graphic Design

Graphic Design

The best way to explain what graphic design is is to explain what life would be like without it. Without graphic design the world would be a lot more boring and a lot more dangerous. There would be no such thing as judging a book by its cover because all books would look the same. Lots of signs intended for safety would be harder to decipher and differentiate and people who don't care to read the signs or just can't could put everyone in danger. The world would be bland with minimal color and no aesthetics. Graphic design is visual communication through type, space, and image. Graphic designers create designs for logos, street signs, bill boards, advertisements and just art.