Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Creative anarchy at its very best

This article reviews the rules of graphic design or how to bend and break them. It uses metaphors to real life to explain how some can be broken and others can be bent. The authors argument is that to create a successful piece it needs to stand out from the crowd and to do that you need to know how to break the rules. this article has many strengths for example it helps to clearly understand how ideas work and when you can break the rules. There are parts I disagree with as well; it says that all ideas have already been created and that any "new" ones are just a recycled old one. I would argue that when did someone create the last new design and start redoing old ones. This article is applicable not only to graphic design but really anything you do. Overall I think that this article was correct in the sense that most follow the rules so to stand out you need to know how to break the rules.

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