Friday, April 24, 2015

Prime Watch Commercial

Overall I enjoyed this project because it had a lot of freedom. We were able to use most things we learned from 3rd quarter. I find that the video is pretty easy to follow what happens and it still conveys the message we were aiming for. The video came out exactly as I was picturing in my head.
My group used a new technique as well which was panning, where the camera followed our actress walk down a hall. This turned out very well it was smooth and consistent and feels natural. Something new I personally used was during editing I learned how to display a name on the screen during a testimonial.
If I could have changed one thing I would have added more people talking for background audio because I feel I had to get too much music to fill in the blank spaces where someone is just walking. I also had trouble meeting a minuet which I did eventually get.

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