Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Semester Reflection

Through the first project we worked on, the emotion project, I was able to refresh my 3d skills and learn how to use a facial expression control board. In the future when I make 3d models, I will definitely take the time to make joints and vertexes that are easy to control as that project would have been infinitely more difficult if it hadn't had the controls. If I had more time I would have added more movement to the places that don't show the emotion such as the legs or body as realistically no part of the body is perfectly still. On top of that I would also sort my way through figuring out how to render it. If I could've changed something about it, I would have fixed some of the joints that didn't twist quite right. Over all it was a pretty painless project and worked out fairly well.

My 2d character project was a massive learning project. I experimented with a program I hadn't used before: Character animator. For the majority of the project I didn't realize I was working in the beta of the program so I was running into a lot of issues I couldn't figure out. As soon as I did figure that out, the project went smoothly. As I said in the video, I will only use this program to sync mouths in the future as I am not a huge fan of the process or output of the movement of the other body parts. For the most part I did reach my goal, If I were to redo this project, I would make more variation in the mouth shapes as some of the phonetic shapes were used for more than one sound so it looked like it wasn't moving when the program read that it was. over all I was happy with the final project.

The rotoscope was a nice way to end the semester as it wasn't too difficult but turned out decently, I learned again how to animate and export using photoshop. If I were to continue working I would add a background that i made but in the end this project turned out nice and I will definitely use this in the future.