Wednesday, March 25, 2015

My Personality and Its Contributions


My personality type is INTJ, this is also known as the strategist or mastermind. I have a slight preference of introversion over extroversion. This means that I work well by my self and enjoy time on my own, but I can still communicate and work in groups. I have a moderate preference of intuition over sensing, meaning that I do what I think is the best way to go about something vs. what might seem right. I have a moderate preference of thinking over feeling. This is exactly how it sounds, I base my decisions on logic over emotions. I have marginal to no preference of judging over perceiving. I only had a 1% toward judging this shows how I could work from judgment or perception the same. 

Real-Life connection

I find that this personality type truly fits me because like the personality type explains I like time by myself just to think about possibilities, Ideas and theories. A line I saw that really caught me was " INTJs inherently trust their insights, and with their task-orientation will work intensely to make their visions into reality". all in all I couldn't find a part of this personality that doesn't fit me.


In a group I can be a leader and mostly like to use my Ideas because, well "I'm always right". I understand that simple is better but I can find that hard to implement sometimes because the more complicated way can seem easier. I feel that INTJs are necessary to a functioning group as a visionary and to determine the best way to solve a problem.